Base Camp
This summer, 2046 campers attended Base Camp, for a summer of new friendships, confidence-building, and character development through the camp community.
The Johnson Cabin was added, with a grand opening celebration in June.
Adventure Camp
A total of 505 campers hiked, climbed, and canoed their way across the Southeast within Adventure Trips.
All Adventure Cabins were remodeled, and now include bathrooms and showers!
Leadership Development Program
The Leadership Development Program served 221 teens, from training through the progression to volunteer programs.
86 teens participated in the Service Corps program, giving back to camp.
Family Camp
Between Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends, plus our specialty Spectrum & Stargazers weekend (for Autism and Down Syndrome families), camp served 460 family members!
Unfortunately, Fall Family Camp was cancelled due to Hurricane Helene, but we’ll try again next year!
Adventure Guides
Dads and kids teamed up for Adventure Guides fun, with 464 participants in total.
From day trips to campouts, these families laughed, played, and explored together!
Looking Ahead
As we closed the chapter on a truly incredible year, we look forward to the future with enthusiasm and a commitment to continue providing exceptional experiences at Camp Greenville. Our achievements in 2024 are not just milestones but stepping stones to even greater success. We are immensely grateful to our community, donors, staff, and every individual who has been a part of this remarkable journey.
Here's to a future filled with more growth, joy, and impactful experiences at YMCA Camp Greenville!
Aaron Murray - Adair and Brooks Patterson - Adair Stevenson - Adriana Stolfo - Adrienne Weathersby - Aimee Eckenrode - Alejandro Gaytan - Alejandro Robles - Alexis Myers - Alfie Deaner - Alice and John Paul Jones - Allie Grice - Allison Lazarus - Allison Toomey - Alyssa Leukroth - Amanda Ayers - Amanda Evans - Amelia Johnson - Amos Smith, Jr. - Amy and Sean Penn - Amy Bevill - Amy Ecklund - Amy Grizzle - Amy Hardin - Amy Seymour - Andrea Neiderhofer - Andrea White - Andrew Crow - Angela and Paul Hecker - Angela Davis - Angela Gibson - Angela Maria Horta Melendez - Anita Bullin - Anita Lee - Anita Maurer - Ann & Martin Harrell - Ann Argenta - Ann Jones - Ann Lucas - Ann Margaret Bullington - Anna Hewitt - Anna Singh - Anna Tartak - Anne Hess - Anne Marchant - Annette Nikolich - AnneWyman Cipolla - Anthony Alvis - Anthony Veglia - Anton Plonner - Apolline Guyot - April Dobson - April Mills - Arielle Semer - Ashley Greene - Ashley Okel - Ashley Padgett - Ashley Schornack - Barbara Delong - Barry Hendricks - Beckwith Cooper - Becky Gore - Belinda Duncan - Ben Hicks - Ben Keys - Bennett Hilley - Beth Blume - Beth Fitz - Beth Jamieson - Beth White - Bethany Keeble - Betsy Burrell - Betty Federline - Bill and Belinda Sprague - Bill and Vicki Hawkins - Bonnie Bellinger - Bonnie Jilek - Bonnie McTyre - Bonnie Miller - Bony Peace - Bradley Funderburk - Brandi Hartung - Brandon Dreffs - Brenda Larson - Brenda Protz - Brent Thompson - Brian Kridler - Brian Murphy - Briana Teasley - Brianna Aninger - Bridget Wills - Brittney Boger - Brittney Gillette - Brooks and Joan Fortune Family Foundation - Bruce Williams - Bryan Bolt - Bryan Masten - Brynn Lang - Caitlyn Fry - Cameron Broach - Camille Moss - Cara Ince - Carissa Fowler - Carla Westermeier - Carlos Caixa - Carly Bacurin - Carol Bruce - Carol Cook - Carol Harris - Caroline Clabby - Caroline Rivera - Caroline Swanger - Carolyn OHara - Carolyn VanHekle - Carothers Evans - Carrie and Reid Sherard - Carrie Anna Thorsten - Carrie Georgion - Carrie McCormick - Carrie Sivigny - Carrie Woodward - Cassy Velarde - Catherine and Kurt Schumacher - Catherine Coleman - Chad Palsgrove - Chantel Greenfield - Charles Allen - Charles Mackey - Charles McCue - Charles Moore - Charles Simmons - Cherryl Hammond - Cheryl Gannon - Cheryl Harwell - Cheryl Kardas - Cheryll Woods-Flowers - Chip Davies - Chresteen Reuter - Chris Reuschle - Christa Kettlewell - Christine Simonson - Christy Snow - Chrys Longley - Cindy Witt - Cindy Zoellner - Cinthya Figueroa - Claire Jamieson - Cliff Lapetoda - Col. Gregory Pischea USMC - Coleman Fung - Colleen Moore - Community Foundation of Greenville - Cong Xiao - Corie Crawford - Courtenay Wallace - Courtney McCusker - Craig Marchant - Crawford Long - Crystal Abbott - Crystal Ocampo - Crystal Venegas - Cynthia and Glenn Goodwin - Cynthia Ratliff - Cynthia Tennyson - Dalton Hammon - Damaris Francois - Damaris Troche - Daniel Denby Davenport, Jr. - Danielle Gonzales - Danielle Schwall - Darlene Gosnell - Darlene Norris - Darrin Benton - David & Ginger Dunn - David Beisser - David Gregg - David Hughes - David Mussay - David Penna - David Steele - David Vondersmith - David Witherspoon - Dawn and Randy Cook - Dawn Brown - Dawn Jones - Dawn McEwan - Deanne Richard - Debbie and Leland Henson - Debbie Wesley - Debby and John Wismer - Debi Maxwell - Deborah Berard - Deborah Quinnan - Deborah Rago - Debra Poole - Delena Stout - Delia Gray - Delores Sutton - Denise Garland - Denise Males - Denise Totah - Denise Turner - Dennis Anibas - Diana Bradley - Diane Jones - Diane Massingill - Diane Sprouse - Dianne Swann - Dominic Sosnowski - Don Stanley - Donald Bennett - Donna Konrad - Donna Mason - Donna Pierce - Donna Smith - Doreen Collyer - Dorothy and Ed Kendall - Doug Baker - Drew Boland - Drew Hullinger - Dwayne Stickler - Eames Heard - EG and Prentiss Wehman - Elaine Lacour - Eleanor McIntosh - Elexa Haarmann - Elisabeth Poole Robe - Elizabeth Anne Easterling - Elizabeth Burwell - Elizabeth Courson - Elizabeth Heistand - Elizabeth Kyle - Elizabeth Reames - Ella Heegard - Ellen Hayden - Ellis Pearce - Ellise Leonard - Elzbieta Kopec - Emery Martin - Emily Butch - Emily Gregory - Emily Hairapetian - Emily Keller-Logan - Emily Meneghel - Emily Tartaglia - Emily Welling - Erica Ebersole - Erica Kelly - Erin Corduan - Erin Durke - Erin Reece - Erin Simons - Esther Rose Spade - Eunice Marie Brophy - Finlee White - Frank McCluney - Gail and John Brubaker - Gail Brodsack - Gail Perrone - Gavin Axson - Gena and Bob Runnion - George Davenport - Georgia Burnett - Gerald Pierce - Gerard Stelling - Gigi Lattimore - Ginger Battles - Ginger Dunn - Glenna Reeves - Gloria Leonard - Grant Fitzgerald - Greer Gunby - Greg McKee - Greg Tyler - Hadley Mann - Hannah Krause - Hannah Wickline - Harry Bainbridge - Heather Bell - Heather Boone - Heather Sohan - Hedrick and Derek Lewis - Heidi Anderson - Heidi Ramos - Helen and Bar Haskell - Helen Edwards - Hilary Morgan - Hope Campbell - Hope Robinson Gardner - Hughes Bates - Hunt Huntley - Hunter Hicklin - Ian Waldrop - Ivan Lollis - Jack Francke - Jack Seltzer - Jackie Alexander - Jacob Nelson - Jacob Perry - Jacquelyn Draplin - Jadin Wolf - James Abernathy - James Albritton - James Bishop - James Green - James McFarland - Jamie and Dave Langenhan - Jamie Birch - Jamie Wilson - Jan DeTemple - Jan Nearhoof - Jane Heupel - Jane Ivester - Jane Lucas - Jane Morgan - Jane Patrick - Janet Branan - Janet Chen - Janet Venables - Janice Lynch - Janice Rinaldo - Jay Altman - Jay Schumacher - Jayne Howell - Jaysen Witherspoon - Jean Gomez - Jed Shropshire - Jeff Teegarden - Jeffrey and Amy Merhige - Jeffrey McCall - Jeffrey Sharp - Jenn Ellis - Jenn Ziolko - Jenna Best - Jennie Campbell - Jennifer Biddy - Jennifer Blackmon - Jennifer Crone - Jennifer de Ridder - Jennifer Fearon - Jennifer Fowler - Jennifer Guenard - Jennifer Kedrowski - Jennifer Mason - Jennifer Swope - Jennifer Vilas - Jennifer Weiland - Jesse Wright - Jessica Charles - Jessica Fairweather - Jessica Locke - Jessica Marmor - Jessica Read - Jian Wu - Jill Butler - Jill Gottesman - Jill Jimmyer - Jill Juris - Jill Watson - Jillian Branch - Jim Norton - Joaquin Crespo - Jody Welker - John Blalock - John Burrell - John Duntley - John Halbert - John Jara - John Munholland - John Ordway - John Radlein - John Snight - John Tison - John Trapp - John Waddell - Joie Switzer - Jon Neithercoat - Jonathan Olensky - Jordan Hudson - Jordyn Lohr - Josefina Longoria - Joseph Dolan - Joseph Fetter - Joseph McLaughlin - Josh Schupack - Joshua Perry - Josie Moore - Joy Barber - Joy Schmidt - Judy Chunn - Julia Elliott - Julie and Daniel Moniot - Julie Doe - Julie Parham - Julie Poteet - Julie Rhodes - Jurgen Reinhoudt - Kaeley Gatz - Kaile Macon - Karen Shaffer - Karen White - Karey Kirkpatrick - Kari Carmella - Karli Threatt - Kasi Witcher - Kassandra Elbert - Kat Marchant - Katherine Fleming-Dutra - Katherine Kerr - Kathleen Johnson - Kathleen Stemmler - Kathleen Vicchio - Kathryn Crigler - Kathryn Hofheinz - Kathryn McDowell - Kathryn Neckerman - Kathy Edens - Kathy Vermeland - Katie Baston - Katie Burnie - Katie McDaniels - Katie Reynolds - Katrina Tompkins - Katy Lashua - Kay Wood - Kayla Barefoot - Keerthana Mohandoss - Kelley Ham - Kellie Clabby - Kelly Blackmon - Kelly Carrasco King - Kelly Closs - Kelly Fink - Kelly Heegard - Kelly Thornberry - Kennedy Brom - Keri Settoon - Kerry Anne Kisor - Kevin Schaffner - Kim Hunt - Kim Perkins - Kim Shelton - Kim Stafford - Kim Watson - Kimberly Hoy - Kimberly Spaetti - Kimberly Turner - Kirsten Thomas - Kitty Herzer - Klara Lynn Dannar - Kori Green - Kris Spitzform - Krisi House - Kristen and Tres Indermark - Kristen Bobst - Kristen Crawford - Kristen Lagunas - Kristi DuBois - Kristin and Chris Thorn - Kristin Kazmierski - Kristin Wisner - Kristina Hager - Kristine Berger - Laird Green - Lana Dye - Larry & Barbara Nelson - Larry Johnson - Laura Christopher - Laura Davis - Laura Gaver - Laura Hallowell - Laura Wilds - Laurel Chandler - Lauren Bollinger - Lauren Crawford - Lauren Singer - Lauren Ulery - Lauren Weaver - Laurie Davidson - Laurie Jacques - Lee Bowman - Lee Shain - LeeAnne and Warren Weeks - Leigh Ann Rutter - Lesley Moore - Leslie and Jeff Knox - Liesl Walker - Lillian Heinrich - Lily Inman - Linda Dowling - Linda Hilf - Linda Hindman - Linda Hindman - Linda McNealy - Linda Silver - Linda Sullivan - Lindsay Givens - Lindsay Waldrop - Lindsey Davis - Lindsey Davis - Lisa Herold - Lisa Kanode - Lisa Miller - Lisa Ramos - Lisa Tyler - Liz and Jeff Henry - Liz Courson Baker - Lizzie Cook - Logan Mistretta - Lori Demkovich - Lori Robertson - Lou Ann Cooke - Louann Decker - Louann Decker - Louise McWaters - LP Steele - Luther Marchant - Lyncoln Henderson - Lynn Mathis - MacKallie Householder - Madison Miller - Makayla Bechtold - Mallorie Richardson - Mandi Herring Bello - Mandy Sharkey - Marc Camelleri - Marc Wilson - Marcia Clark - Margaret Brooks - Margaret Clark - Margaret Fitch - Margaret Pearson - Margaret Postema - Maria Genovese - Maria Moore - Marian Bowers - Marie and George Murdaugh - Marissa Oliviera - Marita Martin - Marta Bullers - Martin Broach - Mary Feisenberger - Mary Grace Lesesne - Mary Hart - Mary Knapp - Mary Kubiak - Mary Margaret Rooze - Mary McBain - Mary Smith - MaryEllis Petrosian - Matt Barrett - Matthew Baker - Matthew Dammann - Matthew Danahy - Matthew Petrosian - Maura Egan - Maureen Kriese - McKenzie Shiver - Megan Gordon - Megan Houston - Megan Smith - Meghan Hannigan - Meghan Rowland - Mel Middleton - Melissa Campbell - Melissa Gorrell - Melissa McIntosh - Melissa Richardson - Melissa Smith - Meredith Cram - Meredith English Perrone - Meredith Papadea - Mia Dina - Mia Gentry - Michael Boje-Estes - Michael Bussey - Michael Knight - Michael McLamb - Michael Zimmerman - Michele and Art Marx - Michelle Blakley - Michelle Clough - Michelle Denchel - Michelle Gibbs - Michelle Smith - Michelle Stikeleather - Michelle Thornton - Mike Taylor - Mildred Cooley - Milnor Kessler - Miranda Baladi - Miriam Cash - Miriam Cherry - Missy and Brooks Rogers - Missy Smith - Misty Wilkerson - Monet Suchovsky - Monica Carney - Monica Freitas - Morgan Arant - Morgan Hart - Morgann Alcumbrack - Mr. & Mrs. Giles Almond - Myra Cassady - Myrna Castillo - Nahaven Jacobs - Nan Robertson - Nancy Bennett - Nancy Englisbe - Nancy Gillentine - Nancy Griffin - Nancy Koone Gilbert - Nancy Nieto - Nancy Thomas - Nanine Breon - Natalie Sorrell - Nathaniel Hatchett - National Christian Foundation - Neeraj Uppal - Nicholas Reed - Nicki Barksdale - Nicki Wilson - Nicole Ferri - Nicole McGrath - Nikki and Allen Grumbine - Nildy Carbocci - Noel Gardner - Paige Hohos - Paige Nunn - Pamala Johnson - Pamela Davenport Tate - Pamela Margate - Pamela McConnell - Pamela Miller - Pamela Minkler - Patrice Chilton - Patricia Elenowitz - Patricia Mclaughlin - Patricia Padgett - Patricia Stricklin - Patti Miller - Paula Hankins - Prentiss Brewer - Price Cameron - Priscilla Tingle - Rafael Cardoso - Randy Chapman - Raul Mendez - Rayeshanie Sam - Rebecca and Bryan Feldman - Rebecca Burke - Rebecca Henry - Rebecca Herrman - Rebecca Kerns - Rebecca McCollum - Regina Parker - Renaissance Charitable Foundation - Renee Barnett - Renee Zimmerman - Retta Lesley - Richard Reinecke - Richard Zingale - Robanne Macken - Robbie Pruitt - Robert Bannister - Robert Coleman - Robert Duncan - Robert Fowler - Robert Harrell - Robert Hawk - Robert Reed - Robert Sommerville - Robin Kelly Davis - Robley Sicard - Robyn Stone - Robyn, Kenady, and Kalyn Parke - Rosemary Calhoun - Rosie Grant - Roxanne Shadrick - Rustina Jones - Ruth Sikkelee - Ryan DiMartino - Ryan Fife - Sabrina Schutt - Sallie Ransom - Sally and Jody Aiken - Sally Cauthen - Samantha Luttrell - Sandra Edwards - Sandra Hemmingsen - Sandy Wojtowicz - Sanjay Boodhoo - Sara Gross - Sara Payne - Sarah Bonds - Sarah Hooper - Sarah Lewis - Sarah Peek - Sarah Rhodehamel - Sarah Russell - Sarah Small - Sarah Soltau - Sarah Young - Scherrie Cogdill - Scott and Laird Green - Scott Brody - Scott Griffith - Scott Herman - Scout Lewis - Sean Coghlan - Selena Machorro - Shane Kendrick - Sharon Callahan - Sharon Shealy - Sharon Vizer - Shawn Smith - Shawna Gwin - Sheila Trapp - Shelby Sever - Shelley Rebadow - Shelley Rogers - Sheri Bishop - Sherri Macierowski - Sherry and Sam Chesnutt - Shonna Hensley - Sophie Henry - Stacy Wilson - Stephanie Bennett - Stephanie Laudisio - Stephanie Molyneux - Stephen Mauney - Steve McCarter - Steve Nazworth - Steven Jutting - Sue Chastain - Susan and Dean Helms - Susan and Karl Frisch - Susan Baker - Susan Brady - Susan Brankley Lane - Susan Capozzi - Susan Fortner - Susan Hannigan - Susan Harrison - Susan Hill - Susan Jackson - Susan Lewis - Susan Schady - Susan Thomas - Susan Yeargin - Suzanne Crossley - Suzanne Greene - Suzanne Wedekind - Suzie Hawkins - Sydney Jeffrey - Sydney Rohnow - Tammy Colonna - Tammy Harbin - Tanya Fredock - Tasha Allmon - Tasha Byrd - Tasha Byrd - Taylor Robbins - Teresa Bingham - Teresa Coleman - Teresa Joseph - Terrissa Miles - The David Hogg Family Foundation - Theresa Shirk - Thomas Flood - Tiffin Simmons - Timothy Lincolnhol - Timothy Lyons - Tina and John Dina - Tina Edwards - Tina Royster - Tina Stokes - Tisha Pruitt - Toi Young - Tom McCrary - Tom Redfearn - Tori Hixson - Tracey Larsen - Trish Asbury - Trisha Harris - Troy Staton - Tucker Pearsall - Wayne Timmerman - Wendell Carmack - Wendy and Dave Mauney - Whitney Asnip - Will Riley - Will Scott - William Barnett - William Gilleland - William Kelley - William Parker - William Stovall - Xiyang Wu - Yolanda Payne - Yves Naar - Zack Witherspoon - Zenia Dacio-Mesina