Fred W. Symmes “Pretty Place” Chapel
Accessibility Project
The spiritual center of YMCA Camp Greenville, Pretty Place was constructed in 1941 with several additions and improvements made in subsequent years, including major upgrades in 2012 and 2018.
Unlike state parks and federal lands which receive government funding or charge admission, there is no fee for public visitors to enjoy the beauty of Pretty Place Chapel.
Accessibility improvement plans include:
Phase 1: Addition of 46 parking spots - COMPLETED FEB 8, 2023
Phase 2: Addition of bathroom structure (estimated cost: $30,000) - FUNDRAISING NOW
Phase 3: New benches in the chapel (estimated cost: $82,000)
Phase 4: Addition of wheelchair ramp to the front of the chapel (estimated cost: $88,000)
To make this vision a reality for 312,000 annual visitors, your financial support is needed.
Please be a part of Pretty Place Chapel’s story by keeping it open and welcoming to visitors of all ages and abilities!
Latest Project Updates + Pretty Place News
We are thrilled to announce that Camp Greenville has received a generous $200,000 grant from the Fred Symmes Foundation to bring much-needed improvements to the iconic Fred W. Symmes "Pretty Place" Chapel.
Pretty Place will NOT be hosting an in person Sunrise Service open to the public. Plan ahead for the details of this year’s virtual event.
Fundraising continues to support the next phases of the Pretty Place Chapel Accessibility Project, which will include: the addition of new restroom facilities, new benches inside the chapel, and the addition of a wheelchair ramp to the front of the chapel. Our team recently worked with EAS Surveying, who donated their services, to complete the Site Survey in preparation for the upcoming projects.
RESTOCKED 11/18/23 - Introducing… the brand new (exclusively sold by YMCA Camp Greenville) Pretty Place Chapel Christmas tree ornament.
Tabitha and Tiffany have been best friends for 36 years. In the past year, Tiffany lost her dad to cancer and, only 6 weeks later, lost her younger brother too. Thanks to her bestie, she found peace and solace at Pretty Place Chapel.
The Pretty Place Chapel parking lot now features 3 new “event style” port-a-potties, which are considered an upgrade from the previous style in the world in portable/temporary restrooms. The larger of the three individual stalls meet ADA compliance as an accessible option.
The Fred W. Symmes “Pretty Place” Chapel re-opened today after being closed for renovations. Upgrades included the installation of two new gravel parking sections, which hold an additional 46 vehicles.
Update: The new gravel parking lot installation is almost complete. Pretty Place Chapel is scheduled to re-open to the public on Thursday, February 9.
Current fundraising progress:
[updated November 28, 2023]