Below is a list of our most frequently asked questions about Pretty Place Chapel. We will be consistently adding to this list so feel free to check this page out often. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to our Event Coordinator at

Official Address: 100 YMCA Camp Road. Cleveland, SC. 29635
Basic Directions: From Greenville, South Carolina or Brevard, North Carolina, take Highway 267 towards the North Carolina/South Carolina state line. At the state line, turn at the YMCA Camp Greenville sign (left if you are coming from North Carolina side, or right if you are coming from the South Carolina Side). Follow the Road 5 miles into Camp Greenville – the road actually dead ends at camp.
Nearby hotel accommodations are available via our hotel booking portal (click here).
A South Carolina marriage license is needed. South Carolina Marriage License Office telephone number is 864.467.7171.
The official address for the marriage license is noted above.
Per South Carolina regulation, any ordained/licensed minister can perform the ceremony or a South Carolina licensed notary.
There are NO reception areas on the premises. No food or drink allowed at Pretty Place. Click the tab above to view our Vendor List. These are vendors that some of our past brides have used. We do not recommend one over the other. Because a lot of our brides are not from the area, we have provided a starting place of where to look.
Asheville, NC, is about 1 hr 15 min. to the NE and Greenville, SC, is about 1 hr. 10 min to the SW. Both cities have a variety of possible venues. Brevard, NC, Transylvania County is the closest area (within a 25 minute drive) to look for reception venue and lodging. Hendersonville, NC, (within a 40 minute drive) is the next closest area.

Pretty Place is a Pet, Tobacco and Alcohol free location.
Seating capacity is 350 guests.
There are two rows of 16 pews from the back of the chapel to the front; 16 steps down to the cross. The center isle is 5 feet 6 inches wide. Each step has a 6 inch drop and is approximately 30 inches in depth. The side isles are about the same in dimensions. It is approximately 66 feet from the back of the chapel down the stairs to the cross.
The cross sits on a rock base that is 30 inches tall, 5 feet wide and 30 inches in depth. The center beam of the cross is 8 feet tall and the crossbeam is 4 feet across.
Located at the back of the chapel is the entrance way from the parking lot. As you look at the chapel from the parking lot, there is a rough handicap ramp to the left of the chapel. This ramp only allows access to the back of the chapel.
As you enter the chapel, to the left is the restroom which is generally open to the public during visiting hours as well as events. Also located on the left side is a locked storage room (for staff use only) and the Groom’s dressing room.
The Bride’s room is located on the right of the hallway and is only open during private events. It is 10’ x 15’ and is tastefully decorated. There is one wall that is completely mirrored and a wall that is halfway mirrored. There is good lighting and electrical outlets for your convenience. The Groom’s room is a 10’ x 12’ space with a full restroom and electrical outlets.
There are five electrical outlets located outside of the dressing rooms. One is on the base of the cross, there is one on each of the front columns, there is one at the back of the chapel above the last pew, and there is one on the right side of the hallway as you enter the chapel. The switch to the lighting inside of the chapel is also located on the right wall.
A permanently mounted sound system is available for rental. This includes a wireless microphone, instrument hookup, wired microphone, lapel microphone and AUX cord to play music. Rental fee is $125.
Parking is limited. If you have a 150+ guest list, we recommend that you encourage your guest to car pool and/or arrange for mass transportation.
Approximately 100 vehicles can be parked in the area but you will need to have someone to direct the parking.
Office staff that makes the arrangements for your event is available Monday through Friday during normal business hours.
Property Management staff is on site for the day of your event. However, they are there for making sure the facilities are prepared for your time. They do not help decorate or direct traffic. They will be stationed at the gate to make sure that only your guests are permitted in.