March Camper Updates

[This information applies specifically to registered summer camp participants, and was send via email to registered families on March 10.]

Happy March to you and your family! Who is excited for spring to be here? We most definitely are! 

The flowers and leaves around camp are just barely peeking out and we can not believe we are at the 3 month countdown to summer. There is FUN news for this month's email and if you missed any previous emails, continue below to see the highlights.

Chat with a Camp Director:
Our entire Camp Director team is getting so excited for summer! We’ve set aside some special times to chat with your family via one-on-one virtual meeting. Share your excitement, ask ALL THE QUESTIONS, and help us get to know you and your family better. Reserve your family's chat time now for March 27, March 29, April 1, or April 4. Learn more and reserve a chat here:

Day of Giving Recap:

This past Monday we celebrated “day of giving” which helps us bring support and awareness to our Annual Campaign. Each year we raise funds to help ALL campers have the opportunity to experience the impact of camp. On Monday, we hosted a fun virtual event including camp songs, prize drawings, camp stories, and more! You can see the replay here. It was an incredible day and we raised over $24,000! If you would like to donate to this years campaign (we still have a big goal to meet) you can do so using THIS LINK or text ‘YCG’ to 71777 and follow the prompts. A massive thank you to all of those who have supported camp in this way!

Easter Sunday at Pretty Place Chapel:
Each year, we host an Easter Sunrise service at Pretty Place Chapel, which is livestreamed online to millions of people worldwide. Our lovely outdoor chapel can hold about 200 guests in person. We've already invited our Board Members and Summer Staff, and their guests, but we still have a few seats available. As a registered Camp Greenville family, you're invited! Find the details and RSVP here. Spots will be first come, first served until we reach capacity. There is no cost, but donations will be welcome. Breakfast will be served in the dining hall following the service.

What's Next?
As we get further into spring we will be sending out specific summer information as it relates to summer details (packing list, themes, etc). For now, here is a general timeline of what to expect when:

March 13, 12pm: Deadline to make changes to monthly payment plans or request one be set up. Email
March 15: Monthly payment plans will be processed.
April 9: Easter Sunrise Service livestream on Pretty Place facebook page
April: Summer Weekly Themes will be announced and a packing list will be sent.
April: Forms (ie; health history etc) will become available. Don’t worry - we’ll let you know and send instructions.
May 5: All balances and forms are due on or prior to May 5, 2023.
May: Meet the summer team and camp prep information will be provided.

Jenna Johnson
Director of Camping

PS. If you’ve recently registered (hooray!), check out the previous editions of this year’s monthly updates:
December 10, 2022
November 10, 2022
January 10, 2023
February 10, 2023

Questions? Contact Us.


Now Hiring - Kitchen Staff!


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