2023 Adventure Guides Campout

The Adventure Guides concluded the 2022-2023 Adventure Guides season with a fun adventure packed weekend! The weekend started with campfire songs and smore’s.

After evening programming campers headed to their cabins or tents to rest. Many were woken up to loud thunderstorms in the middle of the night and flooded tents, but the sun came out for a nice warm day on Saturday.

Campers had plenty of activities to keep them busy on Saturday. In the morning brave campers could be found sliding down the The Mine Shaft. Others were testing their skills at Archery and Riflery and many were bouncing and letting out energy at the Blob.

In the afternoon Dads and children slipped on their hiking boots and headed down to Showerbath Falls. The cool waterfall was refreshing to dip under on the warm day.

Back at Camp, the waterfront was open and popular for paddle boarding, kayaking, and canoeing.

The night concluded with the Closing Campfire, where some of our campers graduated as Adventure Guides to Trailblazers. They got to fly over Lake Sudie on the Night Zip after the ceremony.

Take a look at our weekend recap video to see what campers favorite activities were!


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