Staff Visit App State

This week, Camp Greenville Executive Director, Cory Harrison, and Director of Camping, Jenna Johnson, spoke with Recreation Management students at Appalachian State University in North Carolina about camp’s approach to employee development (“Hire Well, Train Well, Lead Well”) and their perspectives on current and future staffing trends in the camp field.

Special thanks to former YCG summer staff, Jill Juris, an Assistant Professor in the Recreation Management program at Appalachian State University.

Our team finds joy in the opportunity to mentor young professionals and contribute to these important community conversations. Thank you, Professor Jill Juris, for having us as your guests!

Cory and Jenna took full advantage of their visit to Boone, NC, by scheduling an evening meetup with current and former summer staff and campers to chat about the upcoming summer and connect on a personal level. It was wonderful to see everyone!


Staff Meetup in Georgia


First Signs of Spring at Camp