First Signs of Spring at Camp

You might imagine that the first signs of spring at camp are singing birds, chirping spring peepers, or bright green leaves budding from the trees. But, believe it or not, the first signs of spring on our mountain happen even before these much-anticipated nature milestones. We’re always planning ahead for the arrival of a new season. Our first signs of spring include things like:

Landscaping Projects!

The Adventure Center (adjacent to the athletic field) has received significant landscaping improvements over the last week, and a fresh coat of paint. These photos show work-in-progress, with some final touches still to be made.

New Maintenance Equipment!

Pictured here are Property Director Brad Nagle (passenger seat) and team member James (driver’s seat), as they take a first spin on one of camp’s new John Deere maintenance vehicles.


Staff Visit App State


April is Autism Awareness Month