Alumni Update: Sam Wellstead

Summer staff alumni, Sam Wellstead has just completed basic training for the Royal Navy (United Kingdom). His title is currently AB2, and the next step is that he’ll become an AB1 Medical assistant in about a year.

Sam is from Cornwall, England and was an international staff member at YMCA Camp Greenville for 4 summers. He had plans to return for his 5th summer (“Monk year”), but travel plans were foiled due to the pandemic in 2020.

When asked whether his camp staff experience helped prepare him for military training, Sam shared: “Being at camp helped me adapt quickly to being in an uncomfortable position and meeting new people. The experience of camp made me bond quickly with a variety of people some from different faith and cultural backgrounds. It also helped me adapt and overcome personal battles with comfort zones, allowing me to be in charge of a group of peers. I have many similarities joining the military and my life at camp; making new life long friends, working with a big group of people and feeling like I have a home away from home, just to name a few.”

Congratulations, Sam! We’re cheering for you all the way “across the pond”!


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