National Water Safety Month

As the temperature warms up our campers will want to cool off at our waterfront. We have numerous water activities for our campers to enjoy while at camp. There are rules and water safety guidelines that we follow to ensure the safety of our campers - and to make sure we can have the MOST fun!

To swim at the water front campers are required to be a part of the “buddy check". Every camper will be paired with another camper or staff who is swimming in the same area. Buddies check in and out of the swimming area together, placing tags with their names on the buddy board. Campers should stay within 5 feet of their buddy at all times. Every ten minutes lifeguards will blow the whistle and call buddy check. During this procedure, all campers are to move next to their buddies in a place that is completely out of the water. Guards or Waterfront Coordinator will check all areas, count the pairs and compare totals with the tags on the buddy board. Guards will signal the end of a buddy check with a whistle that campers may enter the water.  

To participate in water sports activities, such as kayaks, canoes, or paddleboards, campers must wear PFDs (personal flotation devices) that are properly fitted and USCG approved. These are provided for campers’ use while at camp.

Sometimes camp’s bright sunshine turns cloudy with a summer storm. “Thor Guard” is camp's weather protection system; if lightning is approaching camp, an alarm will sound and alert camp that it is unsafe to be in the water. The system allows for a 20 minute "safe" buffer to let campers get out of the water to a safe area. 

There is lots of fun to be had at the waterfront. Our summer staff and waterfront-certified lifeguards ensure campers are enjoying the water and are being safe. Training gives our lifeguards the knowledge and skills to prevent and respond to emergencies in non-surf, open water areas found at public parks, summer camps and camp grounds. 

If you have any questions about our water activity procedures, please reach out to our camp office.


2023 Annual Campaign Celebration


YCG Campers Star in Hilton Head Production of Frozen Jr.