March Camper Updates

[This information applies specifically to registered summer camp participants, and was sent via email to registered families on March 10.]

Happy March to you and your family! Who is excited for spring to be here? We are!
The flowers and leaves around camp aren't making an appearance yet, but they must be coming soon!

Summer is coming quickly, so find below the important and the fun updates to prepare for camp!

Required Forms:
Parents must complete all required forms (or optional forms that are applicable for your camper) by May 5, 2025. 

  • Health History Form - all campers

    • We do not require a physical exam or physician's signature

    • You will need to know the date of your child's last Tetanus shot

    • The process for dropping off medications this year is changing, and we will send additional details closer to summer.

  • Information for Cabin Leader - all campers

    • This form is given directly to your child's cabin leader before your arrival

  • Permission and waiver for Adventure trips - Adventure Campers only

    • Complete all waivers that you see listed in the portal.

To access forms in your parent portal, follow these instructions:

  • Go to, and click on "Parent Login"

  • After logging in, click "Forms & Documents"

  • Under each camper's name, look for the required forms listed above, and any optional forms that would apply to your family

Day of Giving Recap:
This past Monday we celebrated “day of giving” which helps us bring support and awareness to our Annual Campaign. Each year we raise funds to help ALL campers have the opportunity to experience the impact of camp. Last Monday, we hosted a fun virtual event including camp songs, prize drawings, camp stories, and more! You can see the replay here. It was an incredible day and we raised over $24,000! If you would like to donate to this year's campaign (we still have a big goal to meet) you can do so using THIS LINK or text ‘YCG’ to 71777 and follow the prompts. A massive thank you to all of those who have supported camp in this way!

Volunteer Work Day at Camp Greenville: 
Saturday, April 5, 2025
Join the Camp Greenville Staff and Board of Directors for a day of service, preparing the YMCA Camp Greenville property for spring and summer programs! We need volunteers! Campers welcome to attend with an adult.
Click here to RSVP.

Easter Sunday at Pretty Place Chapel:
Each year, we host an Easter Sunrise service at Pretty Place Chapel, which is live-streamed online to millions of people worldwide. Our lovely outdoor chapel can hold about 200 guests in person. We've already invited our Board Members and Summer Staff, and their guests, but we still have a few seats available. As a registered Camp Greenville family, you're invited! Spots will be first come, first served until we reach capacity. There is no cost, but donations will be welcome. Breakfast will be served in the dining hall following the service. Contact the camp office for details and RSVP.

Our "Hey Camp Greenville" Podcast:
Hey Camp Greenville is your all-access pass to everything happening on the mountain! Whether you’re a longtime camper, a proud alum, or brand new to the Camp Greenville family, this podcast is packed with stories, insights, and behind-the-scenes moments that bring camp to life all year long. Episodes include celebrating 100 years of adventure, tradition, and community with Associate Executive Director Jenna Johnson; diving into the Prepare and Conquer Camp (PACC) program with Stacie Simpson; and Cory Harrison joins us to reveal how AI is shaping the future of camp. Don’t miss a minute of the fun—tune in now and be part of the journey!
PACC Program for new campers:
Check out our Prepare and Conquer Camp (PACC) program! Designed to build confidence and independence, PACC equips campers with exciting challenges—or “quests”—that help them get ready for camp life. This past month, we shared about how structured routines, nutritious meals, and health support ensure a fun and successful time for campers. To see what else we have in store join PACC today!

Chat with a Camp Director: 
Our team of camp directors are counting down the days until your arrival! We’ve set aside some special times to chat with your family via one-on-one virtual meeting. Share your excitement, ask ALL THE QUESTIONS, and help us get to know you and your family better. We’re excited to connect with you! Sign up here.

What's Next?
As we get further into spring we will be sending out specific information as it relates to summer details. For now, here is a general timeline of what to expect when:

  • March 14, 12pm: Deadline to make changes to payment method for March payment plan installment.

  • March 17: Monthly payment plans will be processed (the 15th falls on Saturday)

  • April 5: Volunteer Day at Camp Greenville

  • April 10 email will include: camp store accounts and pre-orders info, Camp Tours!, packing list, weekly themes, and more! This one will be jam-packed!

  • April 15: Last payment of all payment plans.

  • April 20: Easter Sunrise Service livestream on Pretty Place facebook page

  • May 5: All forms due online.

Talk to you soon!
Stacie Simpson
Director of Business and Communication

YMCA Camp Greenville
Email me
Call me: 864-836-3291 ext 0523
Text me: 864-432-1085
Schedule a 15 min phone call: click here

PS. If you’ve recently registered (hooray!), check out the previous editions of this year’s monthly updates:
February 10, 2025
January 10, 2025
December 10, 2024
November 10, 2024


PACC: Understanding Your Emotions


Introducing Bobo!